Candidate FBISD Board of Trustee Position 6

A Concerned Citizen For The People

Dear FBISD Family,

I am Simran Patel, a staunch advocate for education. I am excited to share my passion, experience, and commitment as a candidate for the upcoming Fort ISD Board of Trustees elections in position 6.

My husband & I are proud residents of Fort Bend, and I am also a devoted mother of 3 young adults.

Professionally, I am a local realtor, mortgage broker, former financial advisor, and private client banker. As both a parent and a concerned community member, I firmly believe that our children deserve a safe and nurturing environment to thrive as they journey through the challenging phases of childhood, adolescence, and puberty. These formative years are indeed crucial for our children's development, and it's paramount that we provide them with the necessary support and resources to thrive.

I am committed to championing various academic programs and extracurricular activities, ensuring our schools offer ample opportunities for growth, exploration, and fulfillment. Together, we can pave the way for a brighter future for the next generation.

Addressing school bullying and violence is another significant issue that demands our attention. As a Fort ISD Board of Trustee member, I will advocate tirelessly for effective solutions and ensure that our children are safeguarded from harmful behaviors.

No child should ever feel unsafe or marginalized in their learning environment. By promoting policies and initiatives that foster inclusivity and respect, I aim to cultivate a school culture where every child feels valued and embraced.

Recent headlines highlight the urgent need for improvements in our hiring and quality control processes, especially regarding the safety of our children and teachers. Our educators, our unsung heroes, face immense challenges, including overwork, low pay, and a lack of appreciation. We need to be able to attract and retain quality educators and not lose them due to burnout or a lack of compensation. Especially when you read headlines like "Most Texas teachers burnt out, considering quitting, survey shows."

They deserve our unwavering support and collaboration. I am dedicated to ensuring that every child in our district receives the support and resources they need to succeed academically, emotionally, and socially. With your support, I am confident we can work together to create a brighter future for our children and community.

Furthermore, fiscal responsibility is crucial. We must ensure that taxpayer dollars are utilized efficiently and transparently, without projects going millions of dollars over budget just after they start.

Regardless of faith, race, ethnicity, or economic status, all children deserve equal opportunities to succeed. Our collective responsibility is to ensure they have the tools and support they need to thrive. I humbly ask for your support in this journey. Together, let's work towards positive change and create a lasting impact on our children's lives. Let's make decisions that benefit our community and empower our youth.

Together, we can make a difference. Thank you for considering me as your advocate, and I count on your vote for the upcoming FBISD Board of Trustees election for position 6.

Warm regards,

Simran Patel

Trusted and Supported by the People and Families of FBISD

Bharat Patel

Vibha Jain

Mark Allen

Riva Verma

Pratik Thanki

Dr. Purvi Parikh

Yogi Akula

Neil & Anita Patel

Charu Singh

Mrs Desai

Mrs Kiran

Roshni Parikh

Miraj Parikh


Ina Patel

Manish Patel

Dixit Amin

Hriday Patel



The Issues At Hand

Quality of Education

The responsibility for nurturing and educating the next generation falls upon schools and parents. Collaboration between the two is essential in providing children with the support, guidance, and resources they need to learn, grow, and thrive.

Schools play a vital role in delivering formal education, imparting knowledge, fostering critical thinking skills, and providing opportunities for personal and academic growth. They create environments where children can explore their interests, develop social skills, and acquire the tools they need to succeed in life.

However, parents are the first and most influential teachers in a child's life, and extended family is the second. They shape their children's values, attitudes, and behaviors early on. Parents provide emotional support, instill essential life lessons, and serve as role models for their children to emulate.

To ensure the holistic development of children, schools, and parents must work together as partners in education. This partnership involves open communication, mutual respect, and a shared commitment to children's well-being and academic success.

Parents can support their children's learning by engaging in their education, encouraging curiosity, and fostering a love for learning. They can also reinforce the values and skills taught in school, such as resilience, empathy, and responsibility.

Schools, on the other hand, can involve parents in the educational process by providing opportunities for parental involvement, offering resources and support for families, and promoting collaboration between teachers and parents to address individual student needs.

By working together, schools and parents can create a supportive and enriching environment where children can reach their full potential academically, socially, and emotionally. This joint effort is crucial in preparing the next generation for the challenges and opportunities they will encounter.

Mental Health, Safety and Security

The trend of schools becoming places of conflict, with issues like bullying, fights, disrespect towards teachers, and a lack of discipline becoming more prevalent, can stem from various factors and complexities within the educational system and society.

1) Lack of Discipline and Accountability: One primary factor contributing to this trend is a lack of consistent discipline and accountability for inappropriate behavior. When students perceive no consequences for their actions, they may feel emboldened to engage in disruptive or disrespectful behavior.

2) Social and Cultural Influences: Social and cultural factors outside the school environment can also influence student behavior. Issues such as societal violence, breakdown of family structures, exposure to media, and peer pressure can all impact how students interact with each other and authority figures.

Inadequate Support Systems: Schools may also face challenges in providing adequate support systems for addressing behavioral issues. Limited resources, understaffing, and inadequate training for teachers and staff in handling behavioral issues can exacerbate the problem.

3) Lack of Emotional Support: Some students may act out due to underlying emotional or psychological issues that are not being addressed. These students may struggle to regulate their emotions and behavior without appropriate support and interventions.

4) Negative School Climate: A negative school climate characterized by tension, hostility, and a lack of trust can normalize conflict and disrespectful behavior among students.

Addressing these issues requires a multifaceted approach that involves collaboration among educators, administrators, parents, and the broader community. Establishing clear expectations for behavior, providing consistent and fair consequences for misconduct, and promoting positive relationships and communication within the school community are essential.

Furthermore, prioritizing social-emotional learning initiatives, providing access to counseling and support services, and fostering a culture of respect and inclusivity can help create a more positive and supportive learning environment for all students. It's crucial to strike a balance between discipline and support, recognizing that addressing behavioral issues requires addressing negative behaviors and promoting positive alternatives.

Teacher Appreciation, Compensation, and Retention

Your perspective highlights crucial aspects of the teacher-parent-student dynamic and the importance of mutual respect, cooperation, and fair compensation for educators.

Here are some key points:

1) Reciprocal Respect and Cooperation: Recognizing that education is a collaborative effort involving teachers, parents, and students is essential. Parents should support teachers by instilling respect for authority and appreciation for education in their children. Likewise, teachers should foster positive relationships with students and parents, creating an environment conducive to learning and growth.

2) Challenges Facing Teachers: Teachers face numerous challenges, including heavy workloads, low pay relative to the importance of their profession, and sometimes insufficient support from educational systems. These challenges can affect their morale, job satisfaction, and, ultimately, their ability to deliver quality education.

3) Teacher Compensation: Fair compensation for teachers is not only a matter of recognizing the value of their work but also crucial for attracting and retaining qualified educators. The disparity in teacher pay over the years underscores the need for policies that ensure competitive salaries and benefits for teachers, reflecting their vital role in shaping the future generation.

4) Valuing Education: Fair teacher compensation reflects society's commitment to valuing education and investing in the future. By adequately compensating teachers, we show appreciation for their dedication, expertise, and contributions to society.

Advocating for fair pay for teachers is a step towards addressing systemic issues within the education system and ensuring that educators are adequately supported and motivated to fulfill their essential role in shaping the minds and futures of our children. It's a collective responsibility to prioritize education and provide teachers with the resources and support they need to succeed in their vital mission.

FBISD Budget & Spending

As your elected board of trustees, ensuring accountability and transparency in budget management is crucial for effectively utilizing tax dollars to benefit schools and the community. Balancing a budget is not just an option but a mandatory responsibility to ensure financial stability and sustainability.

Transparency makes the budgeting process accessible to the public, allowing them to understand how funds are allocated and spent. This can include regular reporting on budgetary decisions, expenditure, and outcomes. Conversely, accountability means holding responsible parties answerable for their decisions and actions concerning the budget.

To fulfill these commitments, it's essential to engage stakeholders in the budgeting process, seek their input, and address their concerns. Providing clear communication channels for feedback and involving the community in decision-making fosters trust and ensures that budgetary priorities align with the needs and aspirations of the district.

Furthermore, implementing checks and balances, conducting regular audits, and adhering to financial best practices contribute to fiscal responsibility and prevent misuse or mismanagement of funds; by upholding principles of accountability and transparency in budget management, you can fulfill your duty to represent the interests of your constituents and promote the well-being of the schools and the community as a whole.